Thumbnail | Title | Date | Description |
A bill | 1986-00-00 |
A bill to amend the comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 to prohibit United States depository institutions from providing certain financial ser |
Affected Organizations Act, Act No 31 of 1974 | 1974-03-15 |
The Act was to provide for the prohibition of the reciept of money from abroad for certain organizations; and to provide for matters connected ther |
Bantu Authorities Act, Act No 68 of 1951 | 1951-06-15 |
The Act was to provide for the establishment of certain Bantu authorities and to define their functions, to abolish the Natives Representative Coun |
Bantu Education Act, Act No 47 of 1953 | 1953-10-09 |
The Act was to provide for the transfer of the adminiustration and control of native education from the several provincial administrations to the G |
Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act, Act No 26 of 1970 | 1970-03-09 |
Act to provide for citizenship of certain Bantu homelands and for the issue of certificates of citizenship to Bantu persons;in connection therewith |
Bantu Investment Corporation Act, Act No 34 of 1959 | 1959-06-03 |
The Act was to constitute a Corporation the object of which is to promote and encourage industrial and other undertakings and to act as a developme |
Births, Marriages and Deaths Registration Act, Act No 81 of 1963 | 1963-07-05 |
Act to consolidate the laws relating to the registration of births, marriages and deaths. |
Coloured Persons Communal Reserves Act, Act No 3 of 1961 | 1961-03-03 |
The Act was to apply the Mission Stations and Communal Reserves Act 1909, of the Cape of Good Hope, to coloured persons settlement areas within the |
Criminal Law Amendment Act, No 8 of 1953 | 1953-03-04 |
The Act was to provide for increased penalties for offences committed under certain circumstances; to prohibit the offer or acceptance of financial |
Extension of University Education Act, Act No 45 of 1959 | 1959-06-19 |
The Act was to provide for the establishment, maintenance, management and control of unoiversity colleges for non-white persons; for the admission |
Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950 | 1950-07-07 |
The Act was to provide for the establishment of group areas, for the control of the acquisition of immovable property and the occupation of land an |
Group Areas Development Act, Act No 69 of 1955 | 1955-07-06 |
The Act was to provide for the control of the disposal and for the acquisition of immovable property in group areas and other areas defined under t |
Immorality Act, Act No 23 of 1957 | 1957-04-12 |
The Act was to consolidate and amend the laws relating to brothels and unlawful carnal intercouse and other acts in relation thereto |
Immorality Act, Act No 5 of 1927 | 1927-03-27 |
The Act was to prohibit illicit carnal intercourse between Europeans and natives and other Acts in relation thereto |
Immorality Amendment Act, Act No 21 of 1950 | 1950-05-12 |
The Act was to amend the Immorality Act, 1927, so as to prohibit illicit carnal intercourse between Europeans and non-Europeans, and to provide fo |
Internal Security Act, Act No 74 of 1982 | 1982-06-09 |
The Act was to provide for the security of the State and the maintenance of law and order; and to provide for matters connected therewith |
Native Labour (Settlement of Disputes) Act, Act No 48 of 1953 | 1953-10-09 |
The Act was to provide for the prevention and settlement of native labour disputes and for the regulation of conditions of employment of natives; t |
Native Laws Amendment Act, Act No 54 of 1952 | 1952-06-27 |
The Act was to amend the Native Labour Regulation Act, 1911, the Natives Land Act, 1013, the Native Administration Act, 1927 and the Natives (Urba |
Natives (Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents) Act, Act No 67 of 1952 | 1952-07-11 |
The Act was to repeal the laws relating to carrying passes by natives; to provide for the issue of reference books to natives; to amend the Native |
Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act, Act No 64 of 1956 | 1956-06-22 |
The Act was to prohibit the granting of interdicts or other dilatory orders of court having the effect of staying or suspending the removal or ejec |
Natives (Urban Areas) Act, Act No 21 of 1923 | 1923-06-14 |
The Act was to provide for improved conditions of residence for natives in or near urban areas and the better administration of native affairs; for |
Natives Land Act, Act No 27 of 1913 |
The Act was to make further provision as to the purchase and leasing of land by Natives and other persons in several parts of the Union and for ot |
Natives Resettlement Act, Act No 19 of 1954 | 1954-06-09 |
The Act was to provide for the removal of natives from any area in the magisterial district of Johannesburg or any adjoining magisterial district a |
Permit in terms of the Departure from the Union Regulations Act, 1955 | 1965-04-28 |
Departure permits for Jack and Ray Simons issued on the 28th April 1965. |
Population Registration Act, Act No 30 of 1950 | 1950-07-07 |
The Act was to make provision for the compilation of a Register of the Population of the Union; for the issue of Identity cards to persons whose na |
Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, Act No 52 of 1951 | 1951-07-06 |
The Act was to provide for the prevention and control of illegal squatting on public and private land. |
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, Act No 55 of 1949 | 1949-07-08 |
The Act was to prohibit marriages between Europeans and non-Europeans, and to provide for matters incidental thereto |
Prohibition of Political Interference Act, Act No 51 of 1968 | 1968-06-05 |
The Act was to prohibit intereference by one population group in the politics of any other population group and the receipt by political parties of |
Promotion of Bantu Self-governing Act, Act No 46 of 1959 | 1959-06-19 |
The Act was to provide for the gradual development of self-governing Bantu national units and for direct consultation between the Government of the |
Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, Act No 110 of 1963 | 1963-09-28 |
The Act was to introduce a new constitution for the Republic of South Africa and to provide for matters incidental thereto |
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953 | 1953-10-09 |
The Act was to provide for the reservation of public premises and vehicles or portions thereof for the exclusive use of persons of a particular rac |
Separate Representation of Voters Act, Act No 46 of 1951 | 1951-06-18 |
The Act was to make provision for the separate representation in Parliament and in the provincial council of the province of the Cape of Good Hope |
Separate Representation of Voters Amendment Act, Act No 30 of 1956 | 1956-03-02 |
The Act was to amend the Separate Representation of Voters Act, 1951 |
Suppression of Communism Act, Act No 44 of 1950 | 1950-07-17 |
The Act was to declare the Communist Party of South Africa to be an unlawful organization; to make provision for declaring other organizations prom |
Terrorism Act 1967, Act No 83 of 1967 | 1967-06-21 |
The Act was to prohibit terroristic activities and to amend the law relating to criminal procedure; and to provide for other incidental matters |
Unlawful Organizations Act, Act No 34 of 1960 | 1960-04-07 |
The Act was to empower the Governor-General, with a view to the safety of the public or the maintenance of public order, by proclamation in the Gaz |
Urban Bantu Councils Act, Act No 79 of 1961 | 1961-07-07 |
The Act was to provide for the establishment of urban Bantu councils, the conferring on certain Bantu of civil and criminal jurisdiction in urban a |