Fosatu Workers News August 1983 Number 23
The right to strike
Metal workers push for higher wages after IC sell out
Shop steward chairman returns to Ponds
Mondi Paper backs down
TGWU signs first agreement with transport company
NAAWU slams employers` plan to "erode" wages
"Useless" union kicked out
Workers boycott overtime
Union drive in Port Elizabeth gets 21 workers city rights
Workers learn all there is to know about health and safety
The making of the working class
B and S to face union bashing charges
Paper Union strikes another blow against Typo's closed shop in secret ballot victory at Kohler Corrugated
German worker support in Franz Falke dispute
Workers demand a share of "the rain" which falls at Suncrush even during the drought
Union takes employers to court
Starvation wages not acceptable
Brown Lung pay out
Rising worker interest in unity
Union's housing scheme
Workers on the march: hundreds flock to FOSATU events
Digital Innovation South Africa