
Thumbnail Title Description
Sketch of a Horse

Rough sketch of a horse.


Abstract scene of the Nqungu trees near the junction with Umtata.

"A Man's Best Friend"

Abstract scene of a friendly dog playing around.

"Sakaba River"

Abstract scene of Sakaba river, the first river to be crossed at the mouth on the route to Natal.

Sketch of Boy

Rough sketch of a young boy's face.

Sketch of a Baby

Rough sketch of a baby boy's face.

Sketch of a face:Eye

Sketch of a human face highlighting they eye.

"St John's Gates"

Abstract scene of St John's Gates at the mouth of the Umzimvubu with the Umzimvubu mountains in the background.

Hottentot Washer Woman

Mixed media portrait of a Hottentot woman washer doing laundry in the river.

Negro & Black Art: Pencil Sketch

A sketch pencil scene of clay pot in different shapes and patterns.

"Inkosi yabaThembu"

Black and white portrait of the AbaThembu Chief.

'A Chief recieving Homage'

Mixed media scene of a Chief recievingg homage from his men in KwaZulu- Natal.

Life drawing: female figure (B)

Black and white life drawing on a female figure.

Life drawing: Torso of a man (B)

Black and white life drawing sketch of a man's torso, from the front.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Roy, Bruce, Mrs Margaret Campbell, Neil and George. 1954, Durban.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Dr and Mrs Campbell with Roy, Bruce and George.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell family.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell family.

Campbell Family photographs-groups

Campbell family.

Bechoo - Personalia Education

With reference to your letter of 6th September, 1961, and the appeal signed by senior Principals, it appears that you have overlooked the purpose of the 1958 salary adjustment.


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