
Thumbnail Title Description
Pietermaritzburg-23 November 1862

Watercolor view of Pietermaritzburg in 1862.

Fort Napier

Watercolor scene of Africans ggoing about with their everyday life.

Notice for the 36th Annual General Meeting 25 June 1963
Pieters, Jacobus Papers
"I lose way"

Watercolor scene of hunters getting lost in the jungle.

Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Notice for the 35th Annual General Meeting
Pieters, Jacobus Papers
"Culfargie Natal"

Watercolor scene of trekkers in Natal 1863.

Minutes of the 15th Annual General Meeting - SACGA
"Caught in a Storm"

Watercolr scene of Wagons during a storm in Natal. 

Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Captain Grantham & the Buffallo

Watercolor scene of Captain Grantham nearly killed by a Buffallo during a hunting trip.

"Pier at Durban Beach"

Watercolor scene of a Pier at the Durban Beach front.

Some aspects of the Sugar Industry of South Africa
Adverse Circumstances In A Year of Unusual Difficulty
"Tonka Post Tambookie"

Watercolor scene of  Natal views in 1844.

"Pretoria- 1862"

Watercolor scene of Pretoria in 1862


Watercolor scene of a meeting between Pretorious and Schooman in Rustenburg.

"Mountain range between Natal & Basutoland"

Watercolor scene of mountain range between Basutholand and Natal.


51277 records found.