
Thumbnail Title Description
Bomb explosion in Durban

Umkhonto Wesizwe operation in Natal, crowds gather behind the police car  after the  explosion while forensic experts and other policemen worked in the Trust Bank Centre, gathering information

Bomb blast in Musgrave Road, Durban, 1984

Umkhonto Wesizwe operation in Natal; electricians repair the transformer which was damaged by blast in Musgrave Road, Durban, 1984

Bomb explosion in KwaMashu, 1984

Umkhonto Wesizwe operation in Natal; the township manager of KwaMashu, Mr Vernin Breezke, at the scene of the blasts in 1984

Bomb explosion in Durban

Umkhonto Wesizwe operation in South Africa; one of the damaged signal boxes wraked by a limpet mine explosion in Durban

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchase by Peter Stiebel

Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased by Dr. Thiel- Durban

Girl Guides of South Africa 1910-1985

75th Luncheon.

Girl Guides of South Africa 1910-1985

Fun and Games at the North Division, Guides display of handcraft.

Girl Guides of South Africa 1910-1985

Fun and Games at the North Durban Division, Miss Eustace with Rangers and Brownies.

Girl Guides of South Africa 1910-1985

Fun and games at the North Durban Division, Miss Munnik with Brownie.

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased by Kimberly Art Gallery

Father and Son: Horseride

Watercolor scene of a Zulu man teaching his son how to ride a horse.

"Custom House"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Custom House in Cape Town.

Anglo-Boer-War 1899-1902 (Klip River)

Anglo-Boer-War 1899-1902 (Klip River)

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased by Lion Match Factory

Life drawing: two women crouching

Black and white sketches of two women crouching.

Zulu man

Zulu man


51277 records found.