Social Welfare

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Dayanand Gardens & Aryan Benevolent Home, children's Home October 1982

Volunteers preparing meals at Dayanand Gardens.

International Day of the Aged : Celebrations in Durban

The Aryan Benevolent Home Council is a registered non-profit organisation, which takes care of children, elderly and physically or mentally disabled people.

Birthday celebration at the Aryan Benevolent Home

The Aryan Benevolent Home Council is a registered non-profit organisation, which takes care of children, elderly and physically or mentally disabled people.

Visiting Swami at the

The Aryan Benevolent Home Council is a registered non-profit organisation, which takes care of children, elderly and physically or mentally disabled people.

Lalitha with children & others
Memorandum submitted by the Umhlatuzana Civic Association to the Indian Judicial Commission

For the information of the members of the Commission a few notes about the area we represent may prove useful......

Statement presented to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Re: Falkirk Dispute.

Herewith copy of the resolution passed by the workers yesterday and copy of my letter to Mr. Fyfe. Both speak for themselves, will you please help to get the matter closed......

Correspondence of the City of Durban extended Powers Ordinance

Your communication of the 17th ultimo to the Private Secretary to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister has been forwarded by direction of the Prime Minister, to my Minister for attention.....

Indians in South Africa

THE arrival of a newly-appointed Agent-General for the Government of India in South Africa (this time the distinguished Mr.

Segregation of Indians in South Africa. Swami Bhawani Dayal's interview to the 'National Call' of Delhi.

The present demand by certain Europeans for the segregation of the Indian Community is no new development in the party politics of South Africa. A similar agitation which has been raised in the country in an intense form during the years 1918 and 1920

Annexure containing summary of the conclusions reached by the Round Table Conference on the Indian question in South Africa.

Scheme af assisted emigration (I) Any Indian of 16 years or over may avail himself of the scheme. In case of a family, the decision of the father will bind the wife and minor children under 16 years...

Correspondance bet.Govt of India and Govt of Union of SA on Class Areas bill,Paddisson deputation and the cape Townconf.1925/1927

Telegram from the Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Education, Health and Land, Delhi to the Governor General of the Union of South Africa.....

Thornton Commission Report

Enquiry into Sanitary and Housing Conditions of Indians in and around Durban

Natal Indian Congress Indian Penetration Commission

The Provincial Administration under cover of the letter dated the 16th instant has forwarded for the assent of his Royal Highness the Governor General under Section 90 of the South Africa Act and Ordinance.....

Report on my visit to South Africa

When I left India, early in December there had been many cables sent from South Africa describing the treatment to which it was stated many of the Indians strikers were being subjected on the Natal Coal Miners........



Memorandum to the members of the Indian and Pakistan delegations attending the Preliminary discussions with the Government of the South Africa

There are so many forces bearing upon race relations all over the world that one of the greatest dangers to a local problem is to move it from its context on to the world stage where often happens that it is lost or submerged in the larger issues....

Letter to the High Commissioner fro India

The Secretary to the

High Commissioner of India

P O Box 1245



Correspondence between the government of India and the government of the Union of South Africa regarding the position of Indians in South Africa

We have the honour to address you regarding position of Indian community in South Africa. During last four years it bas frequently formed subject of representations on our part both in its general aspect and with reference to particular measures such Durban and Natal Land....

Indians in the Union of South Africa

Indians in the Union of South Africa

UN food scheme confident of securing African Aid

UN food scheme confident of securing African Aid

Johannesburg -The UN World Food Programme is confident of securing more than a million tons of aid for southern Africa despite donors' political concerns over the region, the programme said yesterday.....


153 records found.