Thumbnail Title Description
United Commonwealth
Quotes from Kannemeyer
Misplaced Ideals? The Case of Unibo: A Reply to J F De V Graaff
Interview with Murphy Morobe

Interview with Murphy Morobe by Gavin Evans where Murphy explained how the United Democratic Front as the main organisation has been singled out by the Le Grange as being responsible for the uprising taking place around the country.

State espionage and the ANC London office
The Mossgas Legacy - P. W. Botha's Last Laugh
May You Live in Interesting Times
Section 29 of the Internal Security Act and the Rule of Law
Editorial: Nkomati
Editorial: More Covering Up
The Rule of Law
"The New Townsmen"
A message to the people of South Africa: Authorised summary, 1968.

Message conveyed in a pamphlet on the year 1968 to people of South Africa regarding gospel of Jesus Christ in South Africa against the policy of racial seperation.

We want job security, says Motlatsi
Memorandum aan alle lede van die Staatsveiligheidsraad: Onlussituasie - voorgestelde terminologiese riglyne vir amptelike segsmanne

Memorandum to all members of the State Security Council, from Louis Nel, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, regarding guidelines for the use of terminology for official communication.

Letter from Headmaster of Rondebosch Boys' High School to all fathers of R.B.H.S. pupils

The letter discusses security measures for the school, and includes a request for assistance from fathers to patrol the school premises, particularly during the holiday period

Security guards strike: industrial council victory for TGWU
Letter from Felicia Forrest

Letter from Felicia Forrest in Harare regarding African National Congress questioning whether she is the sister of Gordon Winter. Asks that the matter be investigated and cleared up.

Fight every retrenchment
Directive of the Central Committee of the SACP to all member, units and other structures on security measures to be taken

Confidential directive from the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party (SACP) on security measures to be observed in time of counter-offensive by Government


123 records found.