Police raid on S J Smith location

Thumbnail Title Description
Police raid on S J Smith location, sticks - weapons being off-loaded, 6 April 1960

Police raid on S J Smith location, sticks - weapons being off-loaded, 6 April 1960

Col. Neg. sheet 22 2E

B/W Neg. sheet 426 3E

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Col. Neg. sheet 22 4F

B/W Neg. sheet 426 1B

Police raid on S J Smith location, confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Police raid on S J Smith location, confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Col. Neg. sheet 22 3E

B/W Neg. sheet 426 2B

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Col. Neg. sheet 23 3F

B/W Neg. sheet 426 4B

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Police raid on S J Smith location, pile of confiscated sticks - weapons, 6 April 1960

Col. Neg. sheet 22 5F

B/W Neg. sheet 426 5A

5 records found.