Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
Parliament house

Parliament house, Cape Town

Parliament house

Parliament house and Avenue

Parliament house

Parliament street

Parliament house and avenue

Parliament house and avenue, Cape Town

Parliamentary news
Parliamentary report
Partners in Terror
PC116 Hassim Collection: Anti-Tricameral Parliament (APDUSA), Pietermaritzburg 1984

Colour print 12.6 x 8.8

Donated in January/February 1998

From PC116 Hassim Collection

PC116 Hassim Collection: Anti-Tricameral Parliament posters, APDUSA and UDF

Sepia print 12.6 x 8.9

Donated in January/February 1998

From PC116 Hassim Collection

President Mandela entering Parliament for its opening

President N.R. Mandela at the opening of Parliament

President Mandela entering Parliament for its opening

On 10 May 1994, Nelson Mandela, at the age of 77, was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president and F W de Klerk became Mandela's ...

Protesting against the setting up of the segregated tricameral parliament
Protesting against the setting up of the segregated tricameral parliament. Durban 1983

Protesting against the setting up the segregated......

Race relations
Record of the proceedings at the December Quarterly meeting of the Executive at Pietermaritzburg

Vol 37. File No 174(14) N2250

Mr Buchan said this was a peculiar state of affairs. All Towns had been asked to stay their hands, and yet there was to be a two years wait. There was much confusion resulting from this state and he formally moved:,

Rectors visitors to UDW - in Alphabetical order A-Z

Alphabetical order A - I Manuscripts, Letter, Programs, Miscellaneous

Revolutionaries may Stamp their Feet....
SCOPA press cuttings
Segregation of Indians in South Africa. Swami Bhawani Dayal's interview to the 'National Call' of Delhi.

The present demand by certain Europeans for the segregation of the Indian Community is no new development in the party politics of South Africa. A similar agitation which has been raised in the country in an intense form during the years 1918 and 1920

Separate Representation of Voters Act, Act No 46 of 1951

The Act was to make provision for the separate representation in Parliament and in the provincial council of the province of the Cape of Good Hope of Europeans and non-Europeans in that province, and to that end to amend the law relating to the registration of Europeans and non-Europeans as voter


98 records found.