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Draft resolution submitted to Annual Provincial Conference of the Natal Indian Congress held in Durban

Draft Resolution

Draft resolutions submitted to the provincial conference of the Natal Indian Congress held in Durban

Darft Resolution

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Herbert

So much water was flowed under the bridge since we last met in my flat in Durban - You a student at the Medical School.

Letter from R F Kennedy to Alan Paton
Letter to Dr A B Xuma
Minutes, Circulars and Agendas of the Natal Indian Congress in 1950

1950 minutes and agendas

Report of Executive Committee submitted to Working Committee meeting held on Sunday, 19th November 1950 at 10a.m.

Working Committee Meeting

Secretarial Circular

Indian penetration, Towns, urban Centre, reconstruction commission, Radical racial zones, European, Non-european, contiguous local authorities, land expropriation commission, water supply authority,

South African Labour Party: Non-European policy
Subject - Education Metho exercise book

More Haste-Less Safety. Carelessness and thoughtlessness cause accidents.....

10 records found.