Thumbnail Title Description
Directive of the Central Committee of the SACP to all member, units and other structures on security measures to be taken

Confidential directive from the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party (SACP) on security measures to be observed in time of counter-offensive by Government

Recommendations on discipline

Recommendations by the African National Congress Secretary-General on discipline. Examines discipline issues and gives recommendations on how to deal with them.

SASO: Executive and Staff

The circular contains a list of names of the Executive members and staff of SASO for the years 1974 and 1975

Letter from Neville Curtis, President, NUSAS, to University Principals and others

General circular letter from the President and Vice-President of the National Union of South African Students discussing the structure of the Union and the relationship between the Union and the Students' Representative Councils.

Problems of social behaviour in our movement

Discussion on the questions of alcohol and drug abuse and irresponsible sexual behaviour within the organisation and how to combat these issues.

Regional Chairs and Secretaries
Regional Chairs and Secretaries
Morning market in Pretoria
The Commonwealth Conference
A contribution from the Lusaka Regional Committee to the discussion initiated by Comrade Motshabi's memorandum

The ANC Lusaka Regional Committee commenting on a memorandum by John Pule Motshabi entitled 'Comments and observations on the issues to be raised at the forthcoming consultative conference', dated December 1984 and dealing with tribalism and open membership.

Articles of association of a company not having a share capital

Articles of association of a company not having a share capital. The name of the company is Centre for Development and Human Resources.


51 records found.