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South African Labour Bulletin Volume 16 Number 6 July/August 1992

South African Labour Bulletin is a refereed journal which supports the democratic labour movement in South Africa. It is a forum for analysing, debating and recording the aims and activities of this movement.

South African Newspaper political newspaper articles 1994-1995
South African Politics 1994
Southern Rhodesia explodes
Sowetan - 10 years of Democracy
Speak Number 13 January - March 1987
Speak Number 20 July - August 1988
Speak Number 49 May 1993
Speak Number 49 May 1993
Speech by Alan Paton
Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the Annual General Meeting of the South African Health Workers Congress

Statement of the United Democratic Front General Secretary to the Annual General Meeting of the South African Health Workers Congress held on 1st July in Durban.

Student political action

Report by the Student Political Action Committee to the 62nd Annual Congress of the National Union of South African Students, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2-7 Dec 1984. The report looks critically at weaknesses and successes in acting on the theme, Campus action for democracy.

Talk politics
The "constitutional" fallacy
The battle for a non-racial state
The Black Sash Volume 2 Number 9 November 1957
The building has begun! Government's Report to the Nation, '98

In voting for a better life for all, the people of South Africa set the Government a mandate with three broad and interrelated goals, namely the establishment of a legitimate government that is democratic and an effective instrument for change....

The Challenge of federation
The Declaration of the 121
The Democrat - AUG 1992



313 records found.