Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
The Church at Bishopstowe

Black and white print 16.8 x 16.5cm

The church in Africa

Review of five plays written by Wole Soyinka.

The Church of the Ascension, Hilton 1906.

The Church of the Ascension, Hilton 1906.

The fight is on
The I.C. act- what should be done
The Ladysmith Gazette - newspaper

THAT the small hantu children seen in the photographs on this page look well nourished is due to the work of a small number of Ladysmith housewives,_ about 10 in number,.......

The Lutheran Church, Cato Ridge.

The Lutheran Church, Cato Ridge.

The mentality of Calvinism

Afrikaner religious and political links.

The Ndola Declaration
The New African: Volume 2, Number 6, July 1963
The origins and the decline of the Roosboom Village and the struggle of its community for survival

Journal article about the origins and the decline of the Roosboom village in northern Natal, and the struggle of its community for survival.

The Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian Church, St Andrew's Square. 

The role of Christ in Jon Sobrino's liberation theology - its significance for Black theology in South Africa
The significance of the Homoousios in Patristic thinking and in our time
The University, The Church and the Political Conscience
The voice of the church
Tombstone - J. M. Sundram

Tombstone - J. M. Sundram (Contact Photos) (Black & White).

We are the Church
What do churches want and expect from religious education in schools?
Who needs the civilisation of the oppressor?


222 records found.