Bernhard Dinkelaker

Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Phyllis to Bernhard Dinkelaker dated 31st May 1978

My dearest Bernard and M....Letter dated 31-05-1978

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard Dinkelaker dated 30 May 1978
Letter from Phyllis to Gladys Marks dated 26 April 1978
Letters of Joseph Malebelle Molokeng and Phyllis Naidoo
Letter of Gladys Marks to Phyllis
Phyllis to Bernhard and Margarete Dinkelaker dated 31st March 1978

My dear Bernard & Margeret ,
Your :.. ett er of the 20th reached me today . Al so in the post was a
letter from a colle~gue of mine in Durban posted 01v the same t i me .
I need not tell you that J1.J.rban i s an hour by ·:::ilanc & thd..t GerJI.':'..ny

Letter from Phylis Naidoo to Bernhard Dinkelaker 15th March 1978

Letter date 15th March 1978

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard dated 06 March 1978

Letter dated 6th March 1978

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard Dinkelaker dated 05 February 1978

Letter date 05 February 1978

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard dated 20 January 1978

Letter dated 20 January 1978

Phyllis Naidoo - Letter dated 29 Novemebr 1977

My Dear Bernhard and Margaret.......

Chocklingum and David, P.O.BOX 40863

Thank you for your letter of the 17-11-77 and the bank advise re: B Dinkelaker.....

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard


Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard and Margarete Dinkelaker


Letter from Mr C Chirwa to Phyllis Naidoo

Mr Chirwa writes from prison

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Bernhard Dinkelaker

Phyllis writes to Bernhard enquiring about Stephen

Phyllis writes to Bernhard and Margarete Dinkelaker from Lesotho

Nespaper articles

Mac's letter to Phyllis Naidoo

Got your letter of the 20 June on the 30 Jun.....

Re: Tisetos Henry Baartman

A J Gumede and Phyllis Naidoo Attorneys

Letters from Phyllis to Bernhard


25 records found.