Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
Reply of the NIC to the Prime ministers note of 30 November 1944


Regional Restructuring Under Apartheid: Urban and regional policies in contemporary South Africa
Reform, resistance and the end of apartheid: 1976 - 1994/The negotiations process/Apartheid in Decline
Reconstruction for a democratic South Africa
Reaping the ugly harvest
RDP & Social Justice

South Africa has been plagued by social injustices, firstly through colonialism and then later through apartheid.....

Racism in South Africa
Race Classification
Race and Economic contact in South Africa
Quo Vadis the Unity Movement?
Questions with Randolph Vigne on the African Resistance Movement (ARM)
Putting the screws on
Protesting against the setting up of the segregated tricameral parliament
Principle Vincent George

METHODIST MISSION SCHOOLS FOR INDIANS ... establishment of missionary work in Pietermaritzburg


Press Statement issuded by the President of the South African Indian Congress

SAIC statement

Press Statement - South African Indian Congress Conference

Conference - SAIC

Press Release - 21 October 1956

The keynote of the deliberations at the 22nd Biennial Conference of the South African Indian Congress was the total rejection of apart­heid and all its ramifications.  The Conference, in a resolution de-.....


Press Release

The grim story of oppressive rule over non-whites of successive.......

Press Release

"Since the last conference of our Congress, the Indian people in common vvith the African and coloured peoples, have been subjected to unmitigated oppression on grounds of race and colour.....

Press cuttings - 1972


660 records found.