Thumbnail Title Description
Let us bury the racist parliament now!
Limillione tsa batho li ne le le mahlomoleng ka baka la ho bolauoa ha mohale oa bona- batho bangata ha ba ea mesebetsing(article written in Sotho language)
Notes on a meeting between I S Spitsky and the African National Congress

Handwritten notes on a meeting between I S Spitsky, Ambassador of the Africa-Asia Solidarity Committee and the African National Congress.

Consultation in preparation for the meeting with law professors from white South Africa

Notes regarding a meeting to discuss and work out an agenda for an African National Congress meeting with South African Law professors.

ANC/UCT Position Paper proposals

Report of a meeting between the ANC and the University of Cape Town on the education crisis. Includes handwritten notes on a consultative meeting between the ANC, the University of Cape Town and the University of the Western Cape.

Memorandum submitted to the NWC of the ANC

Summary by Jack Simons of the memorandum submitted to the National Working Committee of the ANC by the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, regarding the position of the South African government on dismantling apartheid.

Notes on the political situation

Unauthored notes on the political situation in South Africa, prepared for the ANC National Executive Committee. Covers the crisis of apartheid colonialism, the economic crisis, the ruling class and the forces of change.

Notes on political relations in Robben Island

Handwritten notes sent from Robben Island on Pan-Africanist Congress and African National Congress relations. Covers the PAC hostility towards the ANC and subsequent improved relations with the ANC.

Note on conversation with Oliver Tambo

Handwritten notes by Joe Slovo on a conversation held with Oliver Tambo regarding the International University Exchange Fund and the Craig Williamson infiltration. Highlights poor relationship between the IUEF and the ANC.

Meeting of the University of the Western Cape delegation and the African National Congress

Record of a meeting between the University of the Western Cape delegation and the African National Congress in Lusaka, Zambia, to discuss the South African education crisis.

African National Congress (SA) International Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, 1 - 4 December 1987

Report back notes from an ANC conference with the theme, Peoples of the World Against Apartheid for a Democratic South Africa, in Arusha to ANC members in Dar es Salaam.

The current internal political situation: briefing notes

African National Congress briefing notes on the South African political situation. Covers the political crisis within the ruling party, background to the present mass resistance, a brief review of current campaigns, and further proposals on a programme of mass action.

South African and Western Initiatives

Notes on Southern African and Western initiatives. Covers United Kingdom interest in South Africa and the attitude of the UK towards the ANC, the views of the United States and the UK on negotiations, and a meeting between Pik Botha and Mrs Margaret Thatcher.

Notes on meeting between PMC and UDF/COSATU Delegation

Notes on a meeting between the African National Congress, the United Democratic Front and the Congress of South African Trade Unions, mainly about Inkatha.

Meeting between the African National Congress and the University of Natal

Documents relating to a meeting between the African National Congress and the University of Natal.

Notes of ANC economic seminar

Handwritten notes taken by Jack Simons at an African National Congress economics seminar to discuss the economic situation in South Africa and ANC plans.

Proposed legal conference

Notes by Jack Simons on behalf of the African National Congress Constitutional Committee, regarding Professor Richard Dworkin's proposal of a conference about South Africa and the idea of legality or rule under law.

Comments on constitutional proposals

Annotated notes by Jack Simons commenting on the proposals for the Constitution, prepared for the African National Congress Headquarters.

New Age Vol.8 No.22 Mar. 1962
New Age Vol.8 No.24 Mar. 1962


1271 records found.