
Thumbnail Title Description
'Children saving each other'

Wood carving of figure carrying another figure on back. Titled by artist 'Children saving each other'

'Life with an amazon'

Wood carving depicting figure holding down another kneeling figure by the ears. Title by artist 'Life with an amazon'

Wood carving of train

Wood carving of train consisting of engine and coupled two carriage on railway track with signal. Carved from light wood Rauvolfia Caffrs

Wood carving depicting sangoma with her male and female clients.

Woodcarving depicting Sangoma with her male and female clients, by Asmon Mzila of Keat's Drift, uMsinga 1987

'The sherperd'

'The sheperd'

Wood carving of floods, I987 Inanda reserve Umsinyathi river

Wood carving of floors 1987, Inanda Reserve Umsinyathi river

Wooden sculpture "Zulu transport"

Wooden sculpture "Zulu transport"

Wooden sculpture

Wooden sculpture by Philemon Sangweni

Wood carving depicting sangoma

Wood carving depicting sangoma

Wooden sieve

Wooden sieve with round deep handle. Holes on the spacula to strain liquids or beer.

Wooden spoon

Carved spoon with shallow spacula shape.Made in Zulu land

Wooden spoon

Wooden carved spoon with a long handle. Light wood

Walking stick

Zululand walking stick with black tip and carved crooked handle.

Knob- stick

Zululanda knob-stick with rounded head made of wild olive wood known as uMhlwathi. 

Beadwork: Bride's belt

Beaded belt worn by brides on their wedding day. 

Wooden plate

Circular wooden plate with four legs and a handle on the side

Beer Skimmer

Made out of Ilala palm , handle partly split into two parts.

Wooden Dish

Round wooden food bowl, used by the Zulu tribe.


Carved spoon made out of Lekkerbreek wood from Waterberg area.

Zulu Skirt

Beaded skirt in white, blue, green and red. Large black apron with halved diamonds.


39633 records found.