
Thumbnail Title Description
Treatment of Indians in South Africa

Treatment of Indians in South Africa

Implementation of the U.N.O. Resolution

What the United Nations is Doing

What the United Nations is Doing

South Africa defies United Nations what next ?

South Africa defies United Nations what next ?

South Africa Faces UNO

South Africa Faces UNO

Basic Facts about the United Nations

Basic Facts about the United Nations

the United Nations Charter expresses the ideals and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations. It says:......

Up-To-Date Statistical Analysis of the Passive Resistance Campaign 1946-1948

Up-To-Date Statistical Analysis of the Passive Resistance Campaign 1946-1948

Report by the Government of India on the Resolution Passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 6, 1946

Report by the Government of India on the Resolution Passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 6, 1946

Statement of the South African Indian Congress to the Members of the United Nations

Statement of the South African Indian Congress to the Members of the United Nations

United Nations - Newsletter

The 'Little Assembly' - What Is It?

The United Nations in Action

United Nations document

Some weeks later Poland added its signature, and in 1946 four, and in 1947 two, new Members were admitted to bring the total membership of the United Nations to 57 countries.....

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

ON DECEMBER 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations passed and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the full text of which appears in the following  pages.

Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Correspondence between between General Smuts and Mr Gandhi

Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Documents Constituting the Pretoria Agreement of 1944

Delegation of India Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Delegation of India
Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Correspondences between General Smuts and Mr Gandhi


Statement from Mrs Pandit. Address before Joint Committee 1 and 6

Statement from Mrs Pandit.

Address before Joint Committee 1 and 6

Further Memorandum by the Government of the Union of South Africa on the subject of Indian Legislation

Further Memorandum by the Government of the Union of South Africa on the subject of Indian Legislation....

In document A/167 certain General aspects relating to the legislation of the Union of South Africa affecting Indians, have been referred to.....

Speech by Mr G Heaton Nicholas

Speech by Mr G Heaton Nicholas(Union of South Africa) before the Joint 1st and 6th Committee)

Memorandum by the Government of the Union of South Africa on the subject of Indian Legislation

Memorandum by the Government of the Union of South Africa on the subject of Indian Legislation...

Speech by Mr G Heaton Nicholas

Speech by Mr G Heaton Nicholas

Before the Sixth Committee United Nations General Assembly

Delegation of India Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Delegation of India

Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa


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