
Thumbnail Title Description
Library - Salisbury Island

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Presentation of Books from American Cultural attached to Rector, S. P. Olivier

University of Durban-Westville

Reps. From Murray & Roberts make a presentation to the Rector for the University of Durban Westville

University of Durban-Westville

Mrs. Bodsingh, Prof. S. P. Olivier, Prof. Steinke (Botany), Prof. Rath (Microbiology)

University of Durban-Westville

Mr. S. N. C. Vardacharyalu - Lecturer in Dept. of Hindi - 1961

University of Durban-Westville

John Vorster with University Senate, Visitors from Germany with Rector, Prof. Rauche & Prof. Zangenberg

University of Durban-Westville

O. Horwood as Chancellor

University of Durban-Westville

Graduation - June 1968

University of Durban-Westville/ University College for Indians

Prof. S. P. Olivier receives Hon. De. Lite' Phil. From Unisa

University of Durban-Westville

Prof. S. P. Olivier receives Hon. De. Lite' Phil. From Unisa

University of Durban-Westville


University of Durban-Westville


University of Durban-Westville

Professor Horwood

University of Durban-Westville

Professor John Vorster

University of Durban-Westville


188 records found.