
Thumbnail Title Description
Laduma's granddaugter Lina Dlakude serves muffins to the dancers and othe children

Laduma's granddaughter Lina Dlakude serves muffins to the dancers and other small children. to the left Laduma's wife Bafungile and Laduma's granddaughter Constance Dlakude.

The boys dancing

While the dance is going on a women onlooker is plaiting a grass rope.

The dance is still going on

While the dance is going on a woman onlooker is plaiting a grass rope.

Swazi girl, near Golela, July 1953

Swazi  girl, Golela, July 1953

The boys touch each others spears

The boys touch each others wooden spears. the second boy from the left, with trousers, is Susa's young son sikhelane, called "The little umthakathi"

Laduma's grandson Phila Madela beats the drum made by Laduma

Laduma's grandson Phila Madela bats the drum made by Laduma. Mbabazeni Madela's wife is the onlokker to the left. two of the boys are wearing crowns. most of the dancing boys wear frontal and rear aprons, izinene and amabheshu, made by Laduma.

People of Congo traveling

Black and white scene of the manner of traveling practiced by the people of Congo.

'Oecoume des Hottentots ou Caffers'

Black and white abstract of Hottentots involved in a fight.

Hottentots trying a criminal at the Court (B)

Black and white scene of Hottentots in court trying a criminal.

Hottentot Entertainment

Black and white abstract of Hottentots singing and dancing.

Three Swazi girls, Golela, July 1953

Three Swazi girls, Golela, July 1953

A  school choir in competition with other school choirs), Golela, July, 1953

A  school choir in competition with other school choirs), Golela, July, 1953

Two Swazi girls (see F16-13 and F16-21), Golela, July 1953

Two Swazi girls (see F16-13 and F16-21), Golela, July 1953

Swazi girl, near Golela, July 1953

Swazi girl, Golela, July 1953

Swazi sangoma, Golela, July 1953

Swazi sangoma, Golela, July 1953

Swazi sangoma, Golela, July 1953

Swazi sangoma, Golela, July 1953

Laduma standing in front of his private hut

Standing in front of his private hut Laduma watches the preparations for the boys' dancing in his courtyard on New Year. his favourite is fixing the crown similar to that which he had warn on F 2/7a at the head of one of the boys.

Laduma starts drawing the figure of chief Lulwandle

Laduma starts drawing the figure of chief Lulwandle, the finished figure of whom is seen in "Der einbeinige Gott", colour plate VI.

Susa Madela

In order to amuse K. Schlosser Susa showed his wry face-worthy of his name 'King of the One eyed people'

Susa Madela

In order to amuse K. Schlosser Susa showed his wry face-worthy of his name "King of the One-eyed people"


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