Campbell Collections

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Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Karen Liptrot and Melanie Moolman

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Eighteen proficiency badges, a Golden Hand, a Golden bar and ladder , and Suzan Johnson Johnson is only 10 years old. Suzan is the proud owner of all these badges.

Higgs Family

Natal Junior team on horsebacks.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Fiona McKenzie is congratulated by Mrs Betty Hobson after recieving her founders badge , the heighest award in guiding , at a special ceremony of the 3rd Durban North  Company at the journey end hall.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Jill Winston of the 3rd Durban North Company, who was presented with her Founders Badge - the highest award a guide can achieve.


'Isipuni', small wooden carved spoon with an incisioned long handle.


'Indishi', small wooden carved bowl.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Susan Forbes of the 3rd Durban North Company , is congratulated by Mrs Nina Kerr after she had been awarded her founded badge- the top award in guiding .

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Eshowe and Sunnydale Brownies pictured with the Natal provincial commissioner, Mrs E. Bain (Left)  and Mrs S. Robinson, National Adviser for training.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

While in Durban , Miss Joynt spoke to members of the National Council of Women and here she is seen chatting to a member of the audience afterwards.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Mrs Masondo Ndulinde , District Commissioner is seen standing on the right in this of African Girl guides under her charge.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

More than 100 brownies and girl guides gave a warm welcome to the director of the movement of the world Bureau, Miss Lyn Joynt,when she arrived at Louis Botha Airport.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Zululand Division. Two Sunnydale Rangers. Arts and Crafts Prize giving.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Susan Bester ( 11) of Durban has achieved the rare  distinction of gainging all 27 profieciency badges which can be won Brownie. Holding her decorated sleeve is her guider from the first Inanda brownie pack , Mrs Joyce Howard.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Marion Evans. Founders Guide. Empangeni. Zululand.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Brownies with most points. Zululand Arts and Crafts competition. Empangeni and Eshowe.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Natal Coastal region guides Sunday.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Founders guides.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Natal colour party, Gide Sunday.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1977-1978

Women were on the march in Durban yesterday as the Coastal Natal Girl Guides paraded before their annual service in the Central Methodist Church.


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