
Thumbnail Title Description
International organization for World Peace and the maintenance of World Order
India - The Communities that form the World's Largest Democracy

It is one of the two nation states which came into existence on.....

Compare unitary and federal Governments and discuss whether federalism will be a suitable constitutional arrangement for South Africa?

Will political power in South Africa's new constitution be centralised or decentralised?

Chief Gatsha Buthelezi

IFP - KwaZulu-Natal

African Unity: the evolution of an idea

Africans have always been aware of the domination and......

Project on African Nationlism

African Nationalism  is fast becoming an undesirahle force in the wcrld today

The role prospects and expectations of the TBVC Intelligence Services during and interim Government period
Questions for the National Security Research Project
An Assessment of National Security Legislation in Africa

The purpose of this paper is to explore and evaluate the laws governing national security matters in South Africa, with particular reference to those concerning the intelligence community. If......

The 1949 Durban riots : a community in conflict

The volume of literature on the structure and development of the South African state and its society has been profuse. The gradual development

The Visual Construction of Gender and Race in the South African Military

Visual Construction Gender and Race Military

and my blood became hot!" : crimes of passion, crimes of reason : an analysis of the crimes against masters and mistresses by their Indian domestic servants, Natal, 1880-1920

Crime, murder, masters, mistresses, Indian domestic servants

Capital as Toil: Peasant-Workers and the Agrarian Past in a South Indian Industrial Town

Tiruppur town, in Tamilnadu state, was propelled to the center of India's cotton knitted
garment exports through in the last two decades of the 20th century. What is key about
industry in Tiruppur is that work has been organized through networks of small firms

Racial determinants of an immigrant group. A study of the Indians in South Africa

Racial determinants of an immigrant group. A study of the Indians in South Africa

The Creation of South African Indian Identity in Natal in Relation to Hinduism

Perhaps one of the most pervasive ways in which Indians or people of Indian descent are identified is in terms of religion.


In any education system "no other single factor determines to such an extent the quality of education in a country as the quality of the corps of teachers, lecturers and instructors" (HSRC 1981 : 180).

Open Learning for workplace Education, Training and Development (ETD)

"You all know about population growth. When Oxford University was founded in the 13th Century there were about 500 million, people in the world.

A Study of Affirmative action and employment equity in higher Institutions in KwaZulu-Natal

The fact that the composition of staff in Higher Education institutions fails to reflect the demographic realities of South Africa and that Black people and women are still severely underrepresented, especially in senior academic and management positions, provided a compelling motivation for this

Effectiveness of staff development programmes in Indian secondary schools

In this study, the elements of successful staff development programmes were identified and used as a frame of reference to determine the effectiveness of such programmes in Indian secondary schools. The empirical study revealed the strengths and weaknesses of current programmes.

The nationalization of Indian education in the Transvaal

The lack of reliable, organised data in respect of Indian Education in its manifold aspects, has posed numerous difficulties for students, teachers and parents interested in this field.


183 records found.