Journal articles

Thumbnail Title Description
"God created the earth for people to live on"
Contesting the terrain of development - Hartebeesfontein
Bloedfontein and Geweerfontein
Richard Turner and the politics of emancipation

This is a modified version of the first Richard Turner Memorial Lecture delivered at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, on 12th August, 1987.

Modernity and the future of democracy

The fourth Richard Turner Memorial Lecture delivered in Durban on 31 August 1989.

Brushing history against the grain: oppositional discourse in South Africa

This Richard Turner Memorial Lecture was delivered in Durban on 27 September 1990.

Shaping democracy in a future South Africa

This article is a rendering of the Richard Turner Memorial Lecture that was presented at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg on 30 May 1990.

Language, power and emancipation: a South African perspective

Richard Turner Memorial Lecture delivered on 19 September 1991, University of Natal, Durban.

Moral decay and social reconstruction: Richard Turner and radical reform

This Richard Turner Memorial Lecture was delivered at the University of Natal, Durban on 25 March 1993. The lecture formed part of a long term project on the origins, methods and scope of the sociological study of labour in South Africa.

These crumbs of dustiness
Editorial: Justice and the Police
Editorial: The Election
Splendid Licence
Controlling Voices
Editorial: The Liberty Tree
Quotes from Kannemeyer
The Death and Rebirth of Hope
Mid-March in Uitenhage
Land-Tenure, Local Government in the Ciskei
Easter Home-Coming for Athol Fugard


11428 records found.