Journal articles

Thumbnail Title Description
Prospects for the Lagos Charter

Empirical Pan-Africanism at the Lagos summit.

Cape Town I sing

Empirical Pan-Africanism at the Lagos summit.

When men were "boys" - review of Mannoni's Prospero and Caliban, 1950

Review of Mannoni's Prospero and Caliban, 1950

A new "thing" out of Africa

Jazz in Africa

The New Un-African

Jazz in Africa

The River Line

Those who predicted in 1960 that Sharpeville and Langa heralded the entry of South Africa into a permanent state of emergency were wrong, but only just. Since then, the country has lived in a continuous state of anticipated emergency.

The fate of English

Is English wanted or not wanted?.

Khumalo on NGWU
Njikelana on SAAWU
Rural resistance: the Matlala
Rural resistance: the Batlokwa
Rents: paying for incorporation
Information: Labour action
Namibia - political-legal issues
SADF and civic action
Forms of organisation
The Transvaal Indian Congress
Nation and ethnicity


11428 records found.