Journal articles

Thumbnail Title Description
Peter Cod's diary

A humorous article

In search of Africa

The theme of the Eighth National Conference for the US National Commission for UNESCO was "Africa and the United States: Images and Realities".

A case of incompatibility
The Butterfly Game

Editorial about the situation in Rhodesia.

Transkei self-government - To the Right of "Neo-Colonialism"

Opponents of the government's policy for the Transkei tend to divide into two camps.

A policeman with a bunch of keys

The story of high rents in a Pretoria location.

Thoughts on my crime


Five aspects, four bad

On behalf of his party the leader of the Swaziland Progressive Party comments on the Swaziland Constitutional Committee's report to the British Government.

Time for a United Front in South Africa?


Two years after Sharpeville

March 21st 1962, second anniversary of Sharpeville.

Where's the bloody horse?

March 21st 1962, second anniversary of Sharpeville.

Three views of South Africa's Pinko question

Looking at the Black-White relationship in South Africa.

Harlem and the village

The author looks at New York.



Formation: Africa's need

Personal view that "formation", as a prerequisite for leadership, is the greatest need.



Encounter with New York - Part one

Perceptions of New York.

Bechuanaland and South Africa

Responsibility for the Bechuanaland Protectorate has recently been assumed by the British Colonial Office and in the future the territory is to be developed as a self contained political and economic unit.

South Africa's knife-edge

Article about violence in South Africa bringing about partition by force.




11428 records found.