Journal articles

Thumbnail Title Description
The lessons of disaster


Obscenity on trial: The New African case

The New African case.

To the Editors

Letters to the editor.

Verwoerd's Bechuanaland?


After Bottomley

An interview about the situation in Rhodesia.

Dollar Brand

An article about the jazz pianist, Dollar Brand.

Jazz epistle-5

An article about the cancellation of music concerts due to South African Government race policies.

To the Editors

Letter to the Editor.

Verwoerd's South Africa

Illustration of Hendrik Verwoerd with the caption: At dawn on 1 April 1965 Frederick John Harris became the forty-seventh South African to be executed for political crimes, including sabotage and murder.

Bechuanaland: the coveted liability

Planning and aid can save Bechuanaland from capture by Verwoerd.

Comment: Malcom X

Violent and non-violent struggle.

Africa and Marxism: the case for relevance

Discussion around Marxism and African socialism in Africa.

You must keep them out at all costs


Towns instead of elephants

Review of The Historian in Tropical Africa, edited by Vansina, Mauny and Thomas

Comment-2: separate and unequal libraries

Personal view on the lack of libraries for Africans.

The end of non-violence: first phase of an unfolding programme

Can South Africa be liberated without a violent struggle.

The end of non-violence: a tactic not a doctrine

Can South Africa be liberated without a violent struggle.

Africa and Marxism-1

Are African Nationalism and Marxism mutually exclusive?

The price of withdrawal

Truths white South Africans must learn from Algeria.

Cultural loneliness or fulfillment in non-racial Kenya

Every community that is shut out of the life of another and segregated develops in time a cultural self reliance.


11428 records found.