
Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
This is South Africa

The Republic of South Africa, which In the past few decades has developed into a regional economic and military power of note.....

This is South Africa

While still a developing country by UN definition South Africa is the most highly developed country by far on the African continent.
Including six self-governing Black national states...

The United Democratic Front one million signature campaign

Booklet discussing the United Democratic Front one million signature campaign

The Tyranny of Colour

A study of Indian problem in South Africa

The Transvaal Hindu Seva Samaj

THE Transvaal Hindu Seva Samaj was formed in the year 1932 to serve the Hindu community of the Transvaal. The aims and objects of the Samaj are to preserve and promote the cultural, social, religious and educational welfare of the Hindus.

The Station Bomb: The Story of a South African Tragedy
The South African Indians

The history of the South African Indians is divisible into two separate eras.

The South African Communist Party: 65 Years in the frontline of struggle

Booklet commemorating 65 years of the SACP, also discussing leaders of the party.

The Samaj - An Outline of the history of Transvaal Hindu Seva Samaj.

The Samaj - An Outline of the history of Transvaal Hindu Seva Samaj.

The Role of multinational corporations in South Africa

The 32nd Hoernle lecture delivered by Rev.

The road to peace: resource material on negotiations

ANC booklet on negotiations. Includes theory on negotiations, the Freedom Charter, the Constitutional Guidelines and the Harare Declaration, and chapters on experiences of negotiations.

The reduction of Zululand, 1878-1904

The Anglo-Zulu War of 1879 was not greeted with great enthusiasm in either Natal or Zululand. Although Sir Battle Frere was able to raise some
colonial opinion, notably in the Times of Natal and the Natal Mercury, he found no groundswell of enthusiasm for......

The Ramakrishna Centre

The Ramakrishna Centre

The Plural society in Africa

The twenty first in the Heornle Memorial Lectures delivered by Meyer Fortes in which he describes and evalutes pluralism in Africa. The social and political impact on Africa, its development and on its society, is obviously noted from the existing diversities of cultures and ideas.

The Peoples of South Africa - Reprint from Official Yearbook of the Republic of South Africa

The striking diversity of the South African population is the result not only of comparatively recent migrations but of a long process of which but a small part is known to historians. Of the whole process, perhaps the last three or four centuries have been adequately documented.

The meaning of Black Consciousness in the struggle for liberation

The meaning and definition of Black Consciousness in South Africa is discussed as well as the challenge of developing community projects. The formation of SASO (South African Students Organisation) and the impact of Black Consciousness on politics in South Africa are also discussed.

The Mandela Document

ANC booklet containing the full text of a document presented by Nelson Mandela to P W Botha in July 1989, stating his views on the armed struggle, relations with the South African Communist Party and majority rule.

The making of a political reformer: Gandhi in South Africa, 1893-1914

This Study Offers Perspectives That More Accurately Situate Gandhi`S Role In South Africa`S History. The Focus Is On The Religious And Cultural Orientation Of His Compatriots Seeking To Add With This New Dimension To A Better Understanding Of The Making Of A Social Reformer.

The Life and Times of Thabo Mbeki
The Kairos document: a theological comment on the political crisis in South Africa

Book containing chapters on The moment of truth; Critique of State Theology; Critique of Church Theology; Towards a Prophetic Theology; Challenge to action.


206 records found.